Baby Name Rankings of Vivien

Vivien: Statistics About The Baby Name Vivien

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1941--- 741930.0075%
1940--- 5751480.0125%
1939--- 986520.0046%
1930--- 978570.0049%
1929--- 952580.0050%
1928--- 804800.0067%
1927--- 783870.0070%
1926--- 821800.0065%
1925--- 783900.0071%
1924--- 7131090.0084%
1923--- 824800.0064%
1922--- 865730.0059%
1919--- 941570.0049%
1918--- 938590.0049%
1915--- 915530.0052%
1914--- 938400.0050%
1913--- 863380.0058%
1912--- 562740.0126%
1911--- 514660.0150%
1910--- 875250.0060%
1907--- 839210.0062%
1895--- 985120.0049%
1894--- 718180.0076%