Baby Name Rankings of Tiny

Tiny: Statistics About The Baby Name Tiny

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1920--- 967580.0047%
1917--- 996500.0045%
1913--- 975310.0047%
1912--- 934300.0051%
1910--- 749330.0079%
1909--- 928200.0054%
1906--- 914170.0054%
1905--- 963160.0052%
1904--- 905170.0058%
1902--- 934150.0054%
1901--- 914140.0055%
1898--- 915150.0055%
1896--- 899140.0056%
1893--- 821140.0062%
1890--- 934100.0050%
1888--- 792120.0063%
1884--- 611130.0094%
1882--- 73380.0069%
1881--- 93550.0051%