Baby Name Rankings of Rutha

Rutha: Statistics About The Baby Name Rutha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1940--- 933600.0051%
1939--- 972540.0048%
1937--- 812720.0065%
1936--- 867620.0058%
1935--- 847670.0062%
1934--- 809700.0065%
1932--- 754810.0073%
1931--- 887610.0055%
1930--- 851710.0061%
1929--- 772820.0071%
1928--- 845740.0062%
1927--- 828790.0064%
1926--- 969600.0049%
1925--- 797860.0068%
1924--- 961640.0049%
1923--- 905660.0053%
1921--- 955610.0048%
1920--- 937610.0049%
1909--- 957190.0052%
1884--- 91670.0051%