Baby Name Rankings of Mariano

Mariano: Statistics About The Baby Name Mariano

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20119572060.0102% ---
20079232110.0097% ---
20059581790.0086% ---
20029951560.0076% ---
20019321660.0081% ---
20009201670.0080% ---
19998391800.0088% ---
19989991370.0068% ---
19939191370.0066% ---
1988984970.0049% ---
1983935890.0048% ---
1979938880.0049% ---
1977970780.0046% ---
1976889880.0054% ---
1975958730.0045% ---
1974931770.0047% ---
1973952720.0045% ---
1972972700.0042% ---
1971980690.0038% ---
1968981570.0032% ---
1967947580.0033% ---
1963966610.0030% ---
1961932670.0031% ---
1958960630.0029% ---
1954994570.0028% ---
1953944580.0029% ---
1938933460.0041% ---
1937963430.0039% ---
1932880530.0049% ---
1931870540.0051% ---
1930887560.0050% ---
1928824640.0056% ---
1927969520.0045% ---
1926873590.0052% ---
1925939520.0045% ---
1924882620.0053% ---
1923907570.0050% ---
1922946550.0049% ---
1921872640.0056% ---
1920927560.0051% ---
1919925530.0052% ---
1916910490.0053% ---
1914875390.0057% ---
1912734350.0078% ---
1911882150.0062% ---
1910912130.0062% ---
1909824130.0074% ---
190797590.0057% ---