Baby Name Rankings of Isa

Isa: Statistics About The Baby Name Isa

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1907--- 963160.0047%
1901--- 809170.0067%
1900--- 903180.0057%
1899--- 919130.0053%
1897--- 729190.0077%
1896--- 739190.0075%
1895--- 958120.0049%
1894--- 876130.0055%
1893--- 988100.0044%
1892--- 713170.0076%
1891--- 817120.0061%
1890--- 626180.0089%
1889--- 703140.0074%
1888--- 620170.0090%
1887--- 620140.0090%
1886--- 546170.0111%
1885--- 591140.0099%
1884--- 625120.0087%
1883--- 78470.0058%
1882--- 548120.0104%
1881--- 411170.0172%
1880--- 87550.0051%