Baby Name Rankings of Delton

Delton: Statistics About The Baby Name Delton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1964992580.0029% ---
1962994590.0028% ---
1959937670.0031% ---
1956857760.0035% ---
1955881700.0034% ---
1954937620.0030% ---
1953894640.0032% ---
1951968520.0027% ---
1950866620.0034% ---
1949926560.0031% ---
1948851640.0036% ---
1947897600.0032% ---
1946837620.0038% ---
1945904500.0037% ---
1944833570.0041% ---
1943872580.0040% ---
1942835610.0043% ---
1941748690.0055% ---
1940731700.0059% ---
1939732670.0059% ---
1938822570.0050% ---
1937720700.0064% ---
1936728680.0064% ---
1935796600.0056% ---
1934694770.0073% ---
1933670770.0076% ---
1932927490.0046% ---
1931841560.0052% ---
1930767690.0061% ---
1929915540.0049% ---
1928892560.0049% ---
1926968500.0044% ---
1925811670.0058% ---
1924826670.0057% ---
1923879600.0053% ---
1922838660.0059% ---
1921823690.0061% ---
1919999460.0045% ---