Baby Name Rankings of Carlyle

Carlyle: Statistics About The Baby Name Carlyle

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950906570.0031% ---
1944961450.0033% ---
1939898480.0042% ---
1938978420.0037% ---
1937922460.0042% ---
1936831530.0050% ---
1935788610.0057% ---
1934855540.0051% ---
1933762640.0063% ---
1932841580.0054% ---
1931762660.0062% ---
1930854590.0052% ---
1929850600.0054% ---
1928797670.0059% ---
1927812670.0058% ---
1926729760.0066% ---
1925769730.0063% ---
1924744800.0068% ---
1923675900.0079% ---
1922654960.0085% ---
1921697870.0077% ---
1920650950.0086% ---
19196011010.0099% ---
19185671150.0110% ---
19175901010.0105% ---
1916622880.0095% ---
1915681730.0083% ---
1914717530.0078% ---
1913819340.0063% ---
1912610450.0100% ---
1910989110.0053% ---
1909902110.0062% ---
190895990.0054% ---
1907705140.0088% ---
190498170.0051% ---
1895698100.0079% ---
1894681100.0080% ---