Baby Name Rankings of Bernardine

Bernardine: Statistics About The Baby Name Bernardine

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1944--- 937680.0050%
1940--- 886650.0055%
1939--- 960540.0048%
1937--- 880620.0056%
1936--- 950520.0048%
1935--- 927560.0052%
1934--- 896580.0054%
1933--- 819660.0063%
1932--- 802720.0065%
1931--- 776750.0068%
1930--- 810760.0065%
1929--- 842710.0061%
1928--- 865710.0059%
1927--- 802820.0066%
1926--- 836770.0063%
1925--- 798850.0067%
1924--- 864750.0058%
1923--- 954600.0048%
1922--- 949610.0049%
1921--- 844770.0060%
1919--- 901610.0052%
1918--- 792810.0067%
1917--- 852650.0058%
1916--- 803720.0066%
1915--- 903530.0052%
1914--- 904420.0053%
1913--- 927330.0051%
1911--- 935220.0050%
1910--- 897230.0055%
1909--- 937190.0052%
1908--- 917190.0054%
1907--- 898180.0053%
1905--- 970150.0048%
1903--- 865160.0058%
1899--- 990110.0044%
1895--- 992110.0045%
1890--- 876100.0050%