Baby Name Rankings of Bell

Bell: Statistics About The Baby Name Bell

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1915--- 971470.0046%
1913--- 831400.0061%
1912--- 658580.0099%
1911--- 656430.0098%
1910--- 584500.0119%
1909--- 745290.0079%
1908--- 699310.0088%
1907--- 638340.0101%
1906--- 561390.0125%
190593280.0056% 506450.0145%
1904--- 576340.0116%
1903--- 461480.0173%
1902--- 480430.0153%
1901--- 414520.0205%
1900--- 423630.0198%
1899--- 402520.0210%
1898--- 405580.0212%
1897--- 442440.0177%
1896--- 396510.0202%
1895--- 417460.0186%
1894--- 422430.0182%
1893--- 415420.0186%
1892--- 344590.0262%
1891--- 340550.0280%
1890--- 324610.0302%
1889--- 334550.0291%
1888--- 357450.0238%
1887--- 322440.0283%
1886--- 307460.0299%
1885--- 296450.0317%
1884--- 275500.0363%
1883--- 306330.0275%
1882--- 287380.0328%
1881--- 293290.0293%
1880--- 278310.0318%